Do You Like Science? IELTS Speaking (20 Answers)

Science is a topic you might face in part one of your IELTS Speaking test. The examiner might ask you, “Do you like science?”

Let’s look at how to answer this question really well, with 20 examples (go straight to the answers here).

If You Do Like Science

If you like science, you can talk about:

  • Why you like science
  • What kind of science you like most (physics, chemistry, biology…)
  • If you liked science classes at school, and why
  • Any science museum you’ve visited
  • Any science books you’ve read
  • Any science documentaries you’ve seen
  • How useful you think science is (for your own life, or for the world)
  • What kind of important things science creates (technology, medicine, space travel…)
  • Anything else that comes to mind

If You Don’t Like Science

If you’re not a fan of science, you can talk about:

  • Why you don’t like it
  • Why you didn’t enjoy science classes at school
  • Why you think other people like science
  • Someone you know who likes science
  • What subjects you prefer to science
  • Anything else you can think of

Don’t Talk For Too Long

For part-one questions, it’s important to remember that the examiner has 10-12 questions to ask you in only four to five minutes. That’s not a lot of time!

So help your examiner out by giving short, clear answers. Don’t ramble (speak for a long time without an aim).

Answer quickly, with good simple English, and then stop. 

You can use the three-step YES Method in all your part-one answers. Just say:

  • Your answer (‘yes, I do’ or ‘no, I don’t’)
  • Explain your answer (say why you do or don’t like science) or add some more details
  • Stop talking (wait patiently for the next question)

Why should you stop talking?

Because many students keep talking and talking and talking… because they’re nervous, and they don’t like silences. 

But remember that part one is only to warm you up. For a good band-seven score, you only need to give very simple answers in part one, with pretty simple English. 

The more you talk:

  • The more likely you are to make a mistake
  • The more you’ll annoy your examiner (who’s looking at his watch, thinking about the time)

Focus on Fluency

The important thing in part one is that you answer quickly, without hesitation. This makes a great first impression, and it helps you to warm up and relax.

So in part one, focus only on fluency, and don’t worry about vocabulary or complex grammar.  

You can show off your vocabulary and grammar in parts two and three of the test. 

Let’s look at some good answers to this question about science.

‘Yes, I Do’ Answers

1. Yes, I do. I’m quite a big fan of science because scientists try to understand the world, and science can also help us travel into space, to visit other planets like Mars. That’s really cool.

2. Yes, I do, because science and scientific research is so important for producing all the technology that we use in our daily lives. 

3. Yes, actually, I’m fascinated by biology. I’ve always loved watching wildlife documentaries. It’s amazing to see how all the plants and species of animals interact and survive.

4. I certainly do like science. In fact, I study chemistry as my major at university. I love solving chemical problems and understanding how all the elements in nature around us work and react to each other.

5. Yes, I used to really enjoy science classes at school. I had a great science teacher. I remember it was a lot of fun experimenting and learning things in a hands-on way.

6. I think science is fantastic because I love science fiction movies and novels. I think it’s really interesting to imagine the future and all the robots and technology that science is going to create for us. 

7. Yes, I’m an engineer so it’s very important that I like and understand physics. I had to study the topic intensively for my engineering degree. 

‘No, I Don’t’ Answers

8. No, to be honest, I’m not interested in science. I found science boring at school. I’ve always been more interested in languages and creative subjects.

9. No, I don’t really like science because it isn’t related to my life. But I do appreciate scientists and all the hard work they do.

10. To tell you the truth, I don’t really understand science. It’s not my cup of tea at all. Science books and lessons have always been a little too complex for me. 

11. No, I don’t really like science. I went to the science museum in my city but it wasn’t as interesting as other museums I’ve visited, like the natural history museum.

12. Well, no, I don’t because I get bored with science. I prefer to learn about people and relationships and drama stories, which are all just more entertaining. I couldn’t say why I feel that way. It’s just my personality. 

13. No, I’ve never been interested in science. I think maybe that’s because I had really bad teachers at school for chemistry and biology, so I hated their classes.

14. No, I don’t like science myself, but I understand how other people find it interesting. Science is just a bit too nerdy for me. I prefer sports and physical activities. 

‘Not Sure’ Answers

15. I suppose I’m pretty interested in some science subjects, like physics. It’s interesting to discover all the facts and rules of the universe and planets. 

16. Personally, I’m not very interested in science but I have a friend who loves science and is always talking about new discoveries and developments in technology.

17. I’m can’t say I’m a big fan of science. I guess sci-fi movies are quite fun, like Star Wars. But apart from that, I never really think about science at all. 

18. That’s a difficult question because science is such a big topic. I find some kinds of science interesting when I catch a documentary on TV, or a science video on Youtube.

19. I remember I liked science a lot when I was a kid. But I haven’t thought about it much since then, I guess I don’t have time to read about scientific things.

20. I would like to be more interested in science because it’s an important subject. But I just can’t build up the enthusiasm to read about it. 

Now, It’s Your Turn!

Read through these 20 answers. Notice they are not too short and also not too long. 

Also, notice how you can say anything you like and offer any opinion you like. It only needs to be with good-enough grammar, and as few mistakes as possible. 

Now, try to answer the question yourself. Remember to focus on fluency: answer quickly, with no hesitation. 

Follow the three-step YES Method. Just say the first thing that comes into your head. Explain it a little. Then stop. 

Set up a recorder on your phone and ask aloud, “Do you like science?”

When you’ve finished, listen to your recording. Write down your answer, so you can see your English more clearly. 

Then do it again. And again. Try to improve a little each time. 

This is the best way to get ready for a nice band-seven score in part one of your IELTS speaking test. 

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